Friday, March 10, 2006

What about tattoos?

I have been an active Jehovah’s Witness for over 20 years, and have seen more and more changing attitudes in the last few years. (Sex, underage drinking, divorce) It seems to me that a new age of Witnesses is appearing in the United Kingdom. What I mean by this is, for example: the issue of tattoos is now viewed in many halls as acceptable. Why, 4 elders in my own hall have them, as do many sisters and young ones. I have used many scriptures, like Leviticus 19:28 and Romans 12:12, and research on the origin of tattoos to show how God must feel about them; but have been told that because the Watchtower has not told us it is wrong to get them and is a conscience matter, to keep quiet. Now more and more young ones are getting them as those taking the lead wont speak out against them, but bizarrely enough, a local needs talk was given about how women wearing trousers offend Jehovah. Where do you stand on the issue of tattoos brother Watchman?

The Watchtower has written enough about tattoos to provide anyone who wishes sufficient guidance.

The fact that significant numbers of Jehovah’s Witnesses are ignoring the Watchtower’s counsel and embracing a degrading worldly fashion such as tattooing is symptomatic of the coming “increasing of lawlessness.”

Interestingly, tattoos used to be a means of marking a slave, and even though modern men and women who may choose to get themselves tattooed typically feel that they are expressing thier freedom, in reality they are branding in their flesh an indelible mark that signifies they are mere slaves of fashion of this world.



Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you on tattoos. I view them as loathsome disgusting defamations of the body, wanton exercises in graffiti.

Having said that, how do you view men with long(er) hair? Do you think things need to be as strict as the Watchtower demands in this area?

Anonymous said...

Generally, men wear their hair shorter than women. This seems to be the case in almost every society to have existed on the face of our planet. This is still the case presently.

So then by nature men wear their hair shorter than women. It is interesting to note that Paul says the following in the matter of hair dressing:

“Does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him; but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? Because her hair is given her instead of a headdress.”—1Co 11:14, 15.

If by "nature" men wear their hair shorter than women, then a man who, contrary to nature, wears his hair long as a woman must be bringing dishonor upon himself, by wearing the glory belonging to the woman.

Personally, I do not feel comfortable when my hair grows to a certain length. So I get a hair cut. Then I feel better naturally.

As far at tattoos go I would never put one on myself. Hope this information helps!