Monday, December 19, 2005

Murder? Yahweh? Book of Enoch? & Ray Franz?

If many parts of Ezekiel foretell the coming collapse of the WT and the calamity from judgment, how do the accounts of Jehovah saying that there is much bloodshed and murdering come into play? I do not see where theWT is guilty of such, please clarify. You have pointed out how they are guilty of idolatry, prostitution and other faithless acts, but how does bloodshed fit in the picture?

From a human point of view, murder is solely the willful, usually violent, act of taking another’s life. However, from Jehovah’s exalted perspective murder involves more than that.

For example, Jesus stated that anyone who remains wrathful with his brother is a murderer. Another aspect of murder is what is called bloodguilt. Bloodguilt may be incurred by simply doing nothing. For instance, Jehovah told Ezekiel that if he saw the executioner’s sword coming upon the city and failed to warn the unwary, then he would also be judged adversely.

Also, according to Jesus, there will be an accounting from everyone who stumbles one of Jehovah’s sheep. That’s because stumbling another causes them to lose faith and potentially lose out on life.

So, it is apparent that from Jehovah’s standpoint murder can involve more than directly killing another person.
Why do the JW's use the word Jehovah when there is no letter in the Hebrew or the Greek and since most now know that the name of the Father is Yahweh. I personally use Yahsha for His Son's name since it means Yah's Saviour. But I do not claim to be any kind of authority in the matter. I only looked at the Hebrew words seeing how the messiah was Jewish and not Greek or from any other culture. I grew up believing in the name of Jesus but always wondered what His Hebrew name was, so I started to study and came to understand that His name was not Jesus, or Iesus. I also don’t think that his name is Yahshua because the “shua” means to cry out, or wealth, or to have riches. Let me know what you think please.

The reason YHWH is spelled with a “J” is because that is the accepted method of English translation. Remember: We speak and write English—not Hebrew. True, the NWT transliterates a few Hebrew words; one that readily comes to mind is Sheol. But since it is not possible to transliterate YHWH anyway, "Jehovah" is as good a translation as any.

Also, keep in mind that God’s name is spelled and pronounced differently in every language according to customs and accepted rules of translation.

The fact is, all proper Hebrew names that are spelled with a “Y” are translated using a “J.” Common names like the Jerusalem, or Jeremiah, are two examples. There are dozens of other names spelled thusly—God’s name is merely one of many that uses a "J" in place of a "Y."

As for “Yahweh” being the correct pronunciation in Hebrew, that is not necessarily the case. Although no one can say for certain how the name was originally pronounced, we can be fairly confident that it was pronounced using three syllables-not two as in Yah-weh. And it seems reasonable to assume, at least to me, that the middle syllable had an “O” vowel sound.

Many proper Hebrew names were evidently derived from the first two syllables of God’s personal name. For instance, Jeho-seba, Jeho-ram, Jeho-shaphat, Jeho-ushua (Jesus), Jeho-zabad, Jeho-nadab, Jeho-nathan (John), Jeho-shabeth; and others besides these. All of those names have the first part of God's personal name as a prefix.

Ye-ho-wah might be the closest to the original Hebrew pronunciation; but again, no one can say with certainty. But since Jehovah has long been recognized as a legitimate and credible English approximation of the name of God, there should not be any valid objection to its continued use by Jehovah's Witnesses.

My back ground is I was born into the religion and now disfellowshipped .I am on a quest for knowledge and have found the keys of Enoch and the Urantia book where now time is a factor, what do you think about these non religiousorganization and the books.
The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. And Jehovah is the source or true knowledge. Jesus said of himself that he is “the way, the truth and the light.” Conversely, the apostle Paul warned Christians not to be taken in by “falsely called knowledge.” If we look to the Bible as our guide it will lead us in the right way. No other book can compare to the Bible.


Anonymous said...

Re: "but how does bloodshed fit in the picture?"

The WTBTS agreed to and promotes UN Charter/agenda via past (and present)magazine publications.

UN Peackeepers are killed and kill.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for replying to my question regarding bloodshed, I suppose you are actually right considering a fleshly view of blood shed and a spiritual one. The only reason I asked was that I did not recall you covering such.

Anonymous said...

Re: bloodshed and/or murder.

Taking a life. I can confirm this.