Monday, March 13, 2006

What about the king of the north and south?

What light can you shed on the WTBS explanation in the Pay attention book of Daniel 11:20; proving that the Anglo-American world power switched from being the King ofthe South to the king of the North?

I am not sure I understand your question. But the Watchtower does not teach that the Anglo-American king switched from being the king of the south to become the king of the north. The Society teaches that the Anglo-American dual world power has always been the king of the south and the modern king of the north has been Germany and the USSR. The Society offers no suggestions on who the king of the north might be at the present moment and they discourage Jehovah’s Witnesses from even thinking about it or discussing the issue.

E-watchman has presented the case for the British Empire filling the role of the king of the north with the United States as the king of the south. In order to understand how that works we should first
dispel the myth that the British Empire no longer exists, then we must come to appreciate that even though Great Britain and America are allies, they are also rivals. The intent of the imperial system is to befriend its enemies in order to beguile and subvert them, which is exactly what has happened. The goal of the London-centered financier oligarchy is to ultimately destroy the United States once and for all, at least the constitutional republic.

It is from that standpoint that e-watchman has interpreted the prophecy of the rivalry between the king of the north and south. (See essay:
The King of the North Conspires for World Domination)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Could it be that the elusive king of the north has infiltrated the Watchtower in the guise of super fine apostles? Remember that this king is going to flood over all the lands, even conquering the holy ones. However, the purpose of God allowing this king to do as he pleases is to bring out a people for his name through the fiery trials of the great tribulation, as though from a smelting furnace. What better way is there to conquer and sabotage your enemies than to infiltrate them from within? In this way the king of the north will prove to be successful, understanding ambiguous things. However, the report from the sunrising will send him into a suicidal rage, immediately preceding his total downfall and destruction by the greater Cyrus, the glorified Christ. --Zechariah 13:8-9; Daniel 8:23-24; 11:40-45; Matthew 24:21; Revelation 17:12-14.

    But why does God become a smelting furnace for his people in the first place? Read Jeremiah Chapter 9. Read the Bible and materials on Then you will understand the appropriateness of Jehovah’s judgment first coming upon his own house. It is no coincidence that this material is available at this particular time of political, social, religious and economic upheaval.
