Monday, February 27, 2006
Going back to meetings
Regardless of fault, how does being "disfellowshipped" from the WBTS position you in our stream of time?
It is unclear to me exactly what you are asking. But being disfellowshipped for telling the truth is something akin to be thrown from the synagogue in the first century. Jesus said that in the last days true Christians would be beaten in the synagogues. No doubt it is something that more and more of Jehovah’s Witnesses will experience going forward; especially when things go terribly wrong and the Watchtower has no answers.
I'm sure we have all been over this time and again but…what are your thoughts on returning to the meetings? I am disassociated and wondering what really is the right thing to do – stay away and wait on Jehovah, or begin attending again. I am having a hard time with the thought of re-attending as so much they are teaching is wrong. And I do not want them to get the impression that I thought I was wrong if I start attending again.
Being disassociated is a difficult situation to be in because basically you are considered to be in a disfellowshipped state, and going back would require you to be reinstated. And in order to be reinstated you would have to reassure the elders that you believe in everything the Watchtower teaches.
Of course, you can simply go to meetings and be shunned as a disfellowshipped person, and just sit and listen to the meeting and get up and leave. But in order to be viewed as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses again you would essentially have to pledge your allegiance to the Watchtower Society. If you are wiling to do that then you should go back. Either way though, waiting on Jehovah is the best course of action.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Why does e-watchman apply judgment prophecies to the anointed?
Since anointed members have already been declared righteous through the sin atoning sacrifice of Jesus, why does e-watchman apply prophecies of judgment against ancient Jerusalem to the holy spirit anointed priesthood that are currently serving in a spiritual sense in the holy compartment of the sanctuary while still on earth? --See Romans 4:24 through 5: 2, 9
It is not merely so-called Old Testament prophecies directed against ancient Judah and Jerusalem that have a bearing upon these matters. The very foundation of Christianity is based upon the principal of a future judgment day at the revelation of Christ. Not to be overlooked is the fact that the apostle Peter indicated that judgment begins first with the house of God. The Watchtower also recognizes that to be true. Unfortunately, though, the Society has convinced Jehovah’s Witnesses that God’s judgments have already occurred; having taken place back in 1918. That is why a large portion of the work presented on e-watchman is intended to overturn that strongly entrenched “operation of error.” For example, see the essay: The Harvest
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Has the Governing Body always been this way?
My question is this, at Matthew 24:45-51, in the discussion about who the faithful and discrete slave will be ... and not be, was there a point in time prior to now when the Governing Body would "entertain" thoughts and ideas from other members of the "little flock" who were not on the GB or at Bethel that went contrary to the accepted "dogma" without them going berserk and disfellowshipping some and labeling them with the apostate tag? Is this a relatively new phenomenon?, or have they always shown this attitude, because it appears in the scripture mentioned above that there would be a line of delineation when they would no longer accept anything from outside their ranks and would treat other members of the "little flock" who dared question them with the severest of measures. Is the line of delineation 1975, or their adulterous relationship with the U.N. or some combination?
As individuals I am sure most members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses are of the finest sort of men. On a personal note: About 25 years ago I had the privilege of working in the field service on two different occasions with visiting members of the Governing Body. I was deeply impressed with their lowliness of mind and unpretentiousness. Also, in my experience more recently, I used to write to various members of the GB with numerous research papers. Although my research may not have been well received I did not experience any sort of reprimand or reprisals. (The more recent open letters accusing the GB of apostasy are another matter.)
We need to keep in mind that Jesus will judge everyone as individuals – including Governing Body brothers. After all, that’s the point of Jesus’ illustration concerning the faithful and evil slave. Both slaves have an appointment from the master of the house and both slaves will be judged as to their faithfulness in the discharge of their duties. Upon the master’s coming the faithful slave is appointed over all his masters’ belongings while the evil slave is put out of the house entirely.
On the other hand, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower Society Corporation are not individuals. They are institutions. And as such, organizations have a character and an accountability of their own that supersedes the individuals that comprise it. Perhaps there are individuals on the Governing Body who are inclined toward a more reasonable stance on some issues or they may favor discarding certain teachings, but if so, they would probably find themselves more or less powerless to affect the body as a whole.
In many respects the institutions of the GB and the WT are comparable to the Pharisees and the religious institutions of Judah during the time of Christ. But even though Jesus condemned the institutions and organization as a whole many individuals of the Pharisees and the temple priests actually became followers of Jesus.
So, we have to be careful not to condemn or judge individuals. We wisely leave all judging to Jehovah’s appointed Judge – Jesus. But, we know from the prophecies that the organization that presently bears the name of Jehovah will be destroyed. Afterwards a new organization comes into existence comprised of individuals who will have been judged faithful to God.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Will there be another world war?
E-watchman seems to advocate the view that there will be a third world war. However, the Watchtower does not seem to share that view. It reported that a third world war would render the earth uninhabitable. To support this idea, they quote Bible verses relating to the permanency of the earth, as found in Psalm 37:29, Ecclesiastes 1:4 and Revelation 11:18. Why then does e-watchman promote the view that there will be a third world war? If that is the case, how do we account for the great crowd that comes out of the great tribulation as shown in Revelation? Given the indiscriminate destructive power of nuclear armaments, wouldn’t the use of WMP preclude the survival of the great crowd?
Ironically, the Watchtower recognizes that the nuclear threat is very real. For example, the Society’s website has an article that was originally published in 1999, which describes the nuclear threat as a “Damoclean sword” hanging over mankind. It points out that during the Cold War the military doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) convinced the Superpowers that a nuclear war was un-winnable for either side because all would be destroyed. It also makes mention of the threat terrorists with WMD pose.
However, the whole concept of nuclear war has subtly changed in recent years. No longer is the use of nuclear weapons thought of in terms of mutual destruction. Under the Bush administration the United States has abandoned its long-held policy of using atomic weapons only in defense or retaliation and has adopted a new policy of preemptive nuclear warfare. Why the change?
Three years ago BBC reported that the United States was determined to build a new generation of nuclear weapons; a smaller, less destructive weapon designed to penetrate and destroy underground bunkers and which also could be used as a tactical weapon on the battlefield.
Apparently that new class of weaponry is now operational; evidenced by the fact that in recent weeks the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) has been readied for an immediate nuclear strike against Iran. What is perhaps most unsettling is the fact that the new generation of mini-nukes have been classified by the military as conventional weaponry and do not have to have executive authorization before being deployed. Battlefield commanders have been empowered to use such weapons at their own discretion.
Nuclear war is no longer unthinkable because it is no longer even thought of as nuclear war!
Not only is a nuclear strike against Iran said to be imminent, as if to raise the stakes, North Korea has stated: "Dark clouds of a nuclear war are hanging low over the Korean Peninsula."
So, it would appear that the scene of the world is rapidly changing – growing more ominous by the day.
Apparently the Watchtower is no longer watching.
The reason the Watchtower’s watchmen have fallen asleep at their posts is because they believe that most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled. They don’t know what to watch for! They are expecting the UN to suddenly destroy organized religion. That’s not going to happen given the world’s present political arrangement. Other things must come first.
Take the prophecy of Joel as an example of the Society’s intractable blindness. That vital prophecy foretells that the earth is going to be ravaged by an irresistible insect-like military force. As a result of the locust attack Joel foretells that the sun will turn dark and the moon will turn to blood, etc.
That foreboding apocalyptic terminology, which Jesus also invoked when he foretold that mankind would become faint with fright because of the roaring of the sea and fearful sights in the heavens, seems to be describing a large scale nuclear war and the effect it will have upon the world. It will cause such distress to God’s people that they will cry out to Jehovah for relief. God responds by destroying the invading military force.
Inexplicably, the Watchtower claims that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the symbolic locusts that are plaguing the world and afflicting God’s people! (For an alternative explanation of Joel see the essay: Day of the Locust Attack)
Many other examples could be cited, but the Watchtower’s interpretation of Joel is one of Bethel’s most absurd teachings, and as such, it illustrates why they are blind and unable to discern the significance of present developments and what they portend for the future.
But, be assured that Jehovah will not allow men or demons to destroy the earth or make it uninhabitable. The meek will inherit the earth.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
An Islamic king of the north?
The “goings on of the world” are not always as they appear. What is taking place throughout the Muslim world is in reality a carefully orchestrated act of provocation in order to polarize peoples and nations against each other and incite war. Who is behind such a thing?
If you recall, in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq a few years ago the nations of Europe did not support the Anglo-American military adventure. This time it seems that the powers-that-be are taking steps to ensure the support of otherwise reluctant nations for the next phase of war against Syria and Iran. This is being done by inciting Muslims to outrage by various means; likely employing agent provocateurs to advance the neo-con agenda.
The goal is, of course, to ultimately establish control over Iran’s massive oil fields. LaRouche’s EIR reports that the London-centered financier oligarchy is in the final stages of detonating the blow-out of the financial system; all the while preparing to scuttle the doomed financial markets themselves in order to seize control of raw materials; abolish the American republic and establish a fascist dictatorship over the world.
This is exactly in accord with what the prophecies foretold concerning the king of the north and king of fierce countenance; namely, that he will use deception and act with success in order to bring ruination upon the mighty ones and rule over the hidden treasures of gold, etc.
See essays on king of the north and the king of fierce countenance
Here is a link sent in by a reader with additional information on tried and true subterfuge tactics that may possibly be employed now to ignite nuclear war.
See e-watchman Blog post on the Clash of Civilizations
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The Myth of the Fall of Babylon the Great
When you first produced commentaries and essays about the scriptures in particular about the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, you gave me the impression that you believed the Watchtower, or at least the group that call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses was God’s earthly organization. Indeed, you said that they, as god’s people, were in line for Judgment and they were at present blind this. However your latest commentary about Babylon the Great (when you discuss other groups who were active at the same time of the bible students who also rejected the League of Nations) appears to indicate that your opinion is changing. Do you still hold to the modern day congregation being Gods slave or not?
My belief that the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses has served Jehovah’s purpose has not changed. Perhaps you misunderstood the commentary on The Myth of the Fall of Babylon the Great – or maybe it was unclear.
An oft-overlooked yet crucial aspect of the command to “get out of her my people” is the simple fact that the command is issued to those whom God calls “my people.” That means that God recognizes the captives of Babylon as his people before they come out of her – just as the Jews were God’s people before they went into captivity.
The Watchtower presently teaches that Babylon the Great fell in 1919. Does that mean that the International Bible Students were part of Babylon the Great before 1919? Not according to the Watchtower. The Society teaches that God’s people went into spiritual captivity for the brief duration of 1916-1919 only. As you are undoubtedly aware, that is when the Watchtower headquarters went through an intense period of turmoil –culminating in the incarceration of J.F. Rutherford and seven other Watchtower officials.Presumably, before 1916 the International Bible Students were not in Babylon the Great.
(In actuality, the Watchtower originally published that Babylon the Great was the Catholic Church and that it fell in 1808-9 when Napoleon had Pope Pius VII arrested and the Vatican was occupied by Napoleon’s army for approximately 10 years. Apparently, though, in 1900 the Watchtower revised their view of Babylon the Great to encompass all of Christendom and it was said to have fallen in 1874, which is the year that Jesus' parousia was originally thought to have begun. The view that Babylon the Great fell in 1919 was not adopted until some time later – probably after 1925, which is when the Society first formulated the doctrine that Christ’s presence began in 1914 -- not 1874. Interestingly, that means that the International Bible Students did not even realize the angel had sounded the call to “get out of her my people” until more than six years after they supposedly had already gotten out of her! – proving that every myth has an untidy element to it that cannot be reconciled with reality.)
The point is, our misunderstanding of what getting out of Babylon means prevents us from considering any alternative interpretation. My purpose is to tear down and uproot the numerous falsities with which Jehovah’s Witnesses have been saddled; in order to prepare the minds of a few to anticipate what the Watchtower does not expect – a future captivity to Babylon the Great.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Macabees, Removal of the name of Jehovah and Rahab
In the Daniel book regarding the king of the north and south it talks about the Maccabees and how significant it was that Judas Maccabee restored the temple for "Jehovah" and establish Hanukkah. If this was a victory for Jehovah and so significant in biblehistory, then why don't JW's recognize it for what its worth?
Since the extra-biblical incident is mentioned in the Watchtower Society’s commentary on Daniel it is apparent that Jehovah’s Witnesses do recognize it as genuine Jewish history.
Dear Sir, I have no doubt in my mind that Jehovah is God's personal name, and I know it appears almost 7,000 times in the Old Testament, now my question is. Being that God's personal name is so important, why would he allow his holy name to be removed from the new testament, no doubt Jesus called him Jehovah, but in the oldest copies of the Greek scriptures we have his name had already been removed, why would he allow that?
Not only did he allow his name to be removed from the oldest copies of the Greek Scriptures, but he continues to allow modern translators to remove his name from the entire Bible. Jesus once said that there is nothing that is carefully hidden except for the purpose of revealing. In a sense God has allowed his name to be hidden. However, Jehovah has also seen to it that his name be restored to the Scriptures and its significance revealed to those who want to know the truth, which is the work Jehovah’s Witnesses have accomplished in recent decades. And who knows, perhaps at some point ancient New Testament scrolls might be unearthed that contain the divine name.
How do we reconcile what Ezra told the people to do with their foreign wives with the fact that Rahab (the Canaanite) was a part of Jesus family line? They brought it out at our meeting that Ezra told them to do this because of keeping the lines to the Messiah pure.
Rahab, the Canaanite prostitute, is specifically named as an outstanding example of faith. Even though she was not in any way connected to the Israelites, she put her faith and trust in the God of the Israelites. In effect, she converted –becoming a proselyte. And as such she was entitled to be recognized as having an equal standing in the nation, which included marital rights. Same situation with Ruth, the Moabitess; she also converted to the worship of Jehovah and became an ancestress of Jesus.
The situation that arose in Ezra’s day was different. Evidently it had become a common practice for Hebrew men to marry foreign women, which was a flagrant violation of the Mosaic Law. And there is no indication that those foreign women became Jewish proselytes before they became wives to Jewish husbands, as was the case with Rahab and Ruth.